"For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me." Mathew 25:35-36.

Handcrafted Christian clothing can do a lot of good in this world. We take a portion of every sale and use it to craft clothes for donation and help fund mission trips.

Lost Space

Our goal is to fill what we call the: “lost space”. That is the space that could have been used when someone travels to a developing country. It’s the extra suitcase the missionary could take, the extra suitcase everyone on a mission trip could take, or even the extra space created with space saving packing and decision making. It is cheaper, and in many cases more secure, to take items with you when you are already traveling than it is to ship them. There are a lot of mission trips that go out from the U.S. every year and it is our goal that they go without any lost space.

  • Please join us in sending handcrafted Christian clothing around the world, because a free shirt is one thing, but a "handwritten" free shirt that says: "Jesus loves me", is altogether different.

    Long after the mission trip has left, these shirts will still be proclaiming The Lord Jesus Christ, in a personal way, to the people they're given to. What a wonderful way to share The Love of Jesus with a lasting impression.